

Created by The Deep End Games

Dracula meets The Bachelor! Hot as Hades, funny as Hell. Team members from BioShock, Saint's Row, & Perception. PS4/PS5/Switch/PC/XBS Note:  Funds will be collected at the time of checkout. Orders are estimated to arrive down the road. We will keep posting updates to keep you informed.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One week away!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 12:20:19 PM

Hey hey Romancelvania backers!

Can you believe we are one week away from launch!!! Thank you for all your support and love!

A few housekeeping things:

1) We are locking the surveys in the next 48 hours so PLEASE get your surveys in if you would like to get codes at launch. 

2) This is for Pre-Order Backerkit store backers ONLY: I know an update just got sent to you all to answer that additional pledge question. I know some of you have locked surveys and can't access the question. In order to get the code selection you can do the following. 

a) Contact backerkit here: and they will get your order settled quickly.

b) Email Lindsay@thedeependgames or message her on Discord lindsaygardner#0876 and she can update your survey manually. For efficiency sake, let her know which digital code you want to add. PS5, Steam or Xbox Series S/X.

Now I am going to hand it over to our Narrative Director Amanda!

Hey friends - can you believe it's just a WEEK until Romancelvania launches?! I'm SO excited! I also just put the finishing touches on the backer reward "Wicked Spirits"... a book I started in 2009 that inspired the game's lovely genie, Vess. I decided to share the prologue with you today - I hope you enjoy!"

 Prologue of "Wickid Spirits" 

Survey Completion!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:50:25 AM

Hey Backers!

We just wanted to let you all know the surveys are out and should be ready for you to fill out!

Gentle reminder that we needs these filled out as soon as you can so we can get all the digital codes ready to go. We plan to lock them sometime end of next week. Thank you all for the hustle! 50% are already filled out! 

We wanted to further clarify a few things:

If your order included a PS4, Switch Digital copy OR any Physical copies you will get to select an additional code for the platforms launching. This will be for one code. 

Example: If you ordered a Switch physical copy you will be able to select one digital code from the platforms that are launching.

IF your order is not effected by these specific delays in digital and physical then please select N/A. We had to ask every backer logistically so we are using the honor code:)

If you are having trouble locating your survey follow this link:  and search for Romancelvania. Then input the email you may have used. 

If you are still are having trouble you can reach out to support through Backerkit or reach out to [email protected]. I will say Backerkit will have more man power to help as Lindsay is juggling lots of other things for launch, but she always tries to get back to you asap!

This next section is for BACKERKIT PRE-ORDER backers only :)

Hey Backerkit Pre-order backers! Many of you already filled out your surveys when you purchased your copies a few years back. We did recently add a new data collection question for the extra digital code for those effected by the delays.

I will be sending out a targeted email to you backers first thing next week to collect that data. So keep an eye out for that. Keep in mind you would only be getting this email if your selections were for the items that are delayed. If that doesn't impact you you won't get an email and you are all set:)

OK team Romancelvania its time to HYPE!!!!!! Let's make this launch one to remember!

Thank you for all your support! You all have no idea what it means to us!

The Deep End Games 

Surveys are coming!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 11:22:06 AM

Hey there Backers!

Things are really ramping up and we appreciate your support and patience as we are now two weeks until Romancelvania launches March 7th on Digital PS5, Xbox Series S/X and Steam! 

Mark your calendars!

Lots to do for this tiny studio, but we are making it all happen and are so unbelievably excited!

We will be sending out the surveys this evening so please keep an eye out.

One thing we really need all your help with is filling these out as soon as possible so we can coordinate the many things on our end to try to get at least the digital code to you all for launch. So the sooner the better! The rest of fulfillment will take us a little bit more time, but we want to hustle the digital codes for you all!

There is a lot to do behind the scenes here so we really appreciate your hustle! We plan to lock the surveys in a little over a week.

We mentioned in one of the last update how we are delayed on Physical PS5, PS4, Switch and Digital Switch and PS4. To make things up to you we are offering those backers a digital code for their choice of PS5, Xbox Series S/X or Steam. (This is in addition to your current order).

I wanted to let you know how claiming that will look on the survey. You all will see the following question after you select/confirm your digital or physical version that you ordered:

Hey Backers! So for those of you who ordered PS5, PS4 or Switch Physical or Digital PS4 or Switch we wanted to offer you a selection from below in addition to your initial pledge! Don't worry you will get both! If this doesn't effect your order please select N/A

There will be an option to pick the Digital version you would like to hold you over until we get the physical and delayed digital copies.

This was a little tricky to set up on the back end for us, so we are asking that if you are a backer that these delays didn't effect your order that you select the option for N/A. Or if you didn't want the code.

This will help us get all the order numbers correct and start the process of generating and distributing codes.

Down to the final weeks! As always thank you for your continued support. You guys have no idea how awesome Romancelvania came out!

As always feel free to message us here, Discord or any of our social media with any questions you may have. Lindsay will be working hard to try to get to all your questions as we push on to launch day!

The Deep End

Love is still in the air!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 04:29:03 PM

Hey there, Romancelvania fans!

Narrative Director Amanda Gardner here, and I wanted to give you another peek inside the dating world of Romancelvania. More specifically, my secret recipe for love...something I'll be going on a speaking tour for this Spring!

Anyway, you may be wondering, what's in this special sauce? Well, it's not blood and it's not booze. It's a combination of Trust, Lust, and UST...which stands for Unresolved Sexual Tension. Tingly yet? Let me explain. All romantic tropes have different levels of each, and the way you balance it all out MATTERS! Take, for example, a classic "enemies to lovers" trope like Drac has for the Van Helsings. This one starts out with INCREDIBLY low trust, questionable lust, but bigtime UST. The key is to build up that trust, which ultimately leads to lust, and (hopefully) resolves that tension...eventually. I gotta say, I had SO much fun writing Drac and VH just for all the flirty, antagonistic banter that pays off soooooo well in the end. 

An opposite example would be a friends to lovers trope, such as Vess. This one begins with high trust, and grows that lust and UST as they begin to realize there may be more than just friendly feelings.

Anyway, if you want to see concrete examples of my theory, as well as some fun clips from the best romance in pop culture, along with my quips, come see me on the road! I'll be speaking at PAX East on Friday, March 24 at 7:30 pm. If you can't make PAX, fear not! I'll be at Narrascope in Pittsburgh the weekend of June 11th, and lastly I'll be presenting at an undisclosed online conference that's super secret, so stay tuned!

What's your favorite romance trope? I can't wait to see what you think about how the love interests in the game!

PS - Surveys coming soon!

Whatever version of Van Helsing you choose, you'll also need to choose....Hold, thrill, kiss, or kill?

Floodgates are about to open!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 09:33:34 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.